Tuesday, October 7, 2014

'Tis the Season To Be Jolly (I'd Settle for Not Nuts)

There are only seventy nine days until Christmas.  In that time, I hope to read a tonne of books (only forty-five to go), celebrate a bunch of holidays (thankful for veggie turkey), mark two birthdays (including my thirty-fourth), prepare for the Timmins Symphony Orchestra Concert (I'm in the choir), organise some activities for my church, lose ten pounds, save enough money to max out our RRSP contribution (kidding), keep the house clean (sanitary), get down to Toronto, feed, clothe, and educate my children, and not go crazy.  Here's my plan.

read a tonne of books Make a reading list and work my way through it in my spare (HA!) time.
celebrate a bunch of holidays"Sweetheart, the tofurkey is in the deli section, and there's box of stuffing and a can of cranberries in the cupboard"
mark two birthdays Amazon.ca
prepare for the concertPractice for twenty (ten) minutes, five (three) times a week.
organise some activities for my church Delegate.
lose ten poundsLaugh (it'll burn calories).
save moneyPut my head in the sand.
keep my house cleanI had five children for a reason.
get down to Toronto Hum and haw until it snows and our 'safe to drive' window closes (next week).
feed Slow cooker freezer meals
clothe If you can reach the dials (using stepstool), you can do your own laundry.
educate Take an hour each Sunday afternoon (early Monday morning) to chart out the week.
not go crazy Write goofy blog posts that minimize how anxious I really am at this time year, and accept myself exactly as I am right now (ashamed of whining).