Saturday, April 19, 2014

Goals? Check!

My favourite chapter in this book was the one about goal-setting.  I took the challenge to write a list of one hundred goals.  I wrote the first forty in about five minutes.  The rest of the list took more work...and integrity.  I had to look closely at how I'm spending my time on the planet.  I was surprised by what emerged.  I want to see the Mona Lisa, be fluent in HTML, own a family canoe, and a dog, learn to drive a manual, give my children a stellar secondary education, write in my journal every week, float in the Dead Sea, live near the ocean, play the piano, land a small plane, know what's going on in the world, and eighty-eight other things.  I've  started today.  I'll be getting the paper now.  I'm going to bed at nine o'clock so I can get in some early morning yoga.  And, I 've given myself until May first to become a practicing vegetarian.  Wish me luck.

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