Friday, July 25, 2014

Building With Children--A Post In Which Mr. Snuffleupagus Makes a Cameo

Sometimes a morning is magic.  Today my children used a saw, a sander, a square, and a drill (and safety glasses).  They made their own tents.  If you would like to make a tent (or five), you will need a three quarter inch dowel (around two dollars and fifty cents), two one by twos (a dollar a piece), one piece of braided elastic for each corner (pennies), an old bed sheet (priceless), also two cuts, four holes, light sanding, about fifteen minutes, and joyful excitement (times five).


*This post is part of a series.  I've set aside one afternoon  (or morning) a week to do fun activities with my children.  In an effort to work out why it both draws and repels me, I choose these activities from Pinterest.  This one comes from here, and I've pinned it here.*

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